sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

WWE SmackDown - Resultados (español)

Viernes de SmackDown, Rey Misterio regresa a casa.
Para el día de hoy seremos testigos de un impactante anuncio en la rivalidad entre los hermanos Hardy, ¿cuándo acabará este odio entre hermanos?Big Show dirá adiós a la marca azul de la WWE de la mejor manera: con un combate en contra de Jeff Hardy.

El Gran Khali nos presentará su ya conocido segmento del Khali’s Kiss Cam, recordemos que el Gigante del Punjab muere por besar a la hermana de Santino Marella, Santina (¡alguien que le regale unos anteojos a Khali por favor!).

Las Divas estarán deleitándonos con sus habilidades, además la campeona de las Divas, Maryse, dirá adiós a SmackDown!

El miércoles se llevó a cabo el Draft suplementario, en el cual John Morrison fue movido a SmackDown! y el día de hoy hará su debut, sin duda alguna, Morrison es una gran adquisición para SmackDown!

El campeón de la WWE, Triple H también dirá adiós a SmackDown!, pero no sin antes lanzar una advertencia a Randy Orton.Recordemos que SmackDown! no posee el Título de la WWE o el Título Peso Pesado del Mundo,

¿qué acciones tomará el nuevo Gerente General de SmackDown!, Theodore Long, al respecto?

WWE SmackDown - Results (english)

With Backlash just nine days away, emotions ran high on the first edition of SmackDown since the 2009 WWE Draft. The Animal unleashed his rage on his Backlash opponent, Ted DiBiase, while WWE Champion Triple H vowed to do the same to Randy Orton this Monday on Raw.
Batista def. Ted DiBiase (PHOTOS WATCH)Since making his surprise comeback on Raw, Batista has been full of pent up aggression. Tonight, it was his Backlash opponent, Ted DiBiase, who felt The Animal’s wrath. Batista dominated the first part of the match, delivering one punishing maneuver after another.
However, DiBiase was able to turn the tables and strike back, delivering targeted attacks to Batista’s leg. But, The Animal regained momentum and dropped The Legacy member with a hard-hitting spear, followed up by a thunderous Batista Bomb for the win. In just nine days, they will meet again on the battle grounds at Backlash. (Preview)

Triple H reveals Raw match stipulations (PHOTOS WATCH)With Randy Orton rehashing everything he’s done to WWE Champion Triple H and his family, The Game revealed the stipulations to their one-on-one match this Monday on Raw – no disqualifications and no count-outs. (Raw coverage Backlash preview)
Big Show def. Jeff Hardy; Matt attacks Jeff (PHOTOS WATCH)At 485 pounds, Big Show simply crushed the high-flying Jeff Hardy. During the match, Matt Hardy came down to ringside to witness the action. While Big Show was down on all fours, Jeff seized the opportunity, using Show’s massive back as a springboard to launch himself over the ropes, toppling Matt.
In the end, Jeff was able to down his brother, but not The World’s Largest Athlete, who stopped the Charismatic Enigma cold with a brutal right hand. After the match, Matt launched a vicious and ugly attack on his brother, hitting him with seven consecutive leg drops while he lay defenseless from Big Show’s brutal assault.
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy announcedNew SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long announced that Jeff Hardy will face his brother Matt Hardy in an “I Quit” Match at Backlash. (Preview)
Undertaker def. Shelton Benjamin (PHOTOS)Borrowing one from Undertaker’s arsenal, Shelton Benjamin attempted to deliver a Tombstone to The Deadman. The maneuver failed miserably, resulting in Benjamin being the recipient of the punishing maneuver at the hands of The Phenom. Coming off huge wins at the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania and last night’s debut of “WWE Superstars,” can anyone stop The Phenom?
Dolph Ziggler def. United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter (non-title) (PHOTOS)After being drafted to SmackDown, perhaps Dolph Ziggler felt he had to make an impression in the land of SmackDown. He did just that by defeating the United States Champion.
“The View” & MVP?In an interesting exchange in the locker room area, SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long told MVP that Sherri Shepherd of the TV program The View had taken an interest in the champion. Holla, Holla, Holla! What does Teddy have in store for the former SmackDown Superstar who was drafted to Raw?
John Morrison def. R-Truth (PHOTOS)After The Miz assaulted John Morrison on Raw, it’s a safe bet that their tag team days are behind them. Looking to make an impression on Friday nights, The Tuesday Night Delight did not disappoint when he stopped R-Truth’s valiant attempts at a win with a Moonlight Drive.
Gail Kim def. Divas Champion Maryse (non-title) (PHOTOS WATCH)In a bout featuring two of WWE’s most athletic Divas, Gail Kim kept her winning ways intact by dazing Maryse with some hard-hitting counters for the pinfall.
Khali Kiss Cam (PHOTOS WATCH)The Great Khali was up to his romantic ways on another edition of the “Khali Kiss Cam.” The Punjabi Playboy planted a wet one on a lovely member of the WWE Universe. The next recipient of his affection? None other than Miss WrestleMania Santina Marella next week on SmackDown. This ought to be good!

Undertaker se retira ?

The Undertaker
WWE se encuentra realizando su gira anual en territorio Europeo y ya ha comenzado a dar informaciones sobre lo que será el Tour el próximo año (2010). Anunciando que la primera fecha será el 16 de abril en el Estadio de Zurich, Suiza. Pero lo particular, es que la WWE ha denominado la gira como The retirement tour (El tour del Retiro).Pero ¿por qué llamarla de tal manera?… La razones son por que al parecer El Undertaker pretende retirarse.Una muestra que podría estar confirmando esto, es que durante la noche de ayer, se estuvieron presentando en vivo las estrellas de RAW, desde Dublín, Irlanda. Al terminar el Show las luces se apagaron y se escucho la canción de entrada del Undertaker, luego tras encenderse las luces suena la campana y el locutor de la noche Tony Chimel se arrima al ring para dar el anunció de que el próximo año realizara una gira por todo Europa a iniciarse el próximo mes de abril del 2010 en donde uno de los atractivos principales para los fanáticos será el darle el último Adiós a El Undertaker quien para esas fechas pretende presentar su retiro.Por nuestra parte nos parece extraño que WWE anuncie algo tan grande como el retiro de una de sus más grandes estrellas en un simple evento en vivo, pero varios comentarios tras vestidores afirman que se ha estado hablando mucho del temaAdemás este mismo año según notifica WWE.com la marca SmackDown estará participando junto a la ECW en el Undertaker’s Rest In Peace Tour.

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

WWE ECW results(english)

Less than two weeks before Backlash, change was in the air in the Land of the Extreme. Its roster was altered by the departure of The Miz and the arrival of the gigantic Vladimir Kozlov, sitting on the brink of more additions and subtractions with the ensuing Supplemental Draft just more than 12 hours away. But the self-proclaimed face of ECW, champion Jack Swagger, looked to stop change before it infects Backlash and his status atop the Extreme brand.
John Morrison def. Evan Bourne (WATCH PHOTOS)Only 24 hours after losing his tag team partner and fellow “Dirt Sheet” host in The Miz, John Morrison scored an impressive win against the high-flying Evan Bourne. Despite losing the Superstar who helped him win a World Tag Team Championship, the Tuesday Night Delight proved once again he is as sharp in solo competition as he was when he earned the ECW Title.
Vladimir Kozlov def. Local Athlete (PHOTOS)ECW’s newest addition only has about a minute of experience performing for the brand, but that’s all Vladimir Kozlov needed to polish off a win in his Tuesday night debut. Afterward, he announced that he has dominated everywhere he has ever competed and ECW will be no different.
Tommy Dreamer eliminated from the Elimination Chase to Backlash in a Triple Threat Match (WATCH PHOTOS)For the second week in a row, Finlay was the hero when he pinned Tommy Dreamer to further narrow down the hunt for ECW Champion Jack Swagger’s title. The Irishman brings his love to fight to the debut edition of WWE Superstars, where he will face Christian in a battle to become No. 1 contender to the coveted prize. Much to Swagger’s disappointment for not being granted a question and answer timeslot on the show, ECW interim General Manager Tiffany scheduled the contest for Thursday night in her second major decision since acquiring Theodore Long’s responsibilities.

WWE Draft resultados(español)

 Cuando solo un luchador más de la WWE cambiaría de marca, y era John Cena quien más sonaba para volver a SmackDown, fue el gladiador de origen mexicano Rey Mysterio quien fue trasladado del roster de Raw a la marca azul.

Un total de 12 luchadores de la WWE cambiaron de marca en el draft 2009, en el cual la gran ganadora de la noche fue Raw llevándose al mayor número de personajes entre los que destacan Triple H y el Big Show.
Junto a Mysterio, quien sólo permaneció un año en RAW y que ostenta el campeonato Intercontinental de la WWE, emigraron a SmackDown la campeona de mujeres, Melina; Mr. Money in the Bank, CM Punk; además de Kane y Chris Jericho.
Aún representando a RAW, Rey Mysterio se presentó la noche del draft para ganar la primera selección para su antigua marca. El vencido fue Evan Bourne, de ECW.
RAW verá engrosadas sus filas con el campeón de los Estados Unidos, MVP, Big Show, Matt Hardy, The Miz, además de la campeona de las Divas, Maryse, y el campeón de la WWE, Triple H.
Con estos movimientos, SmackDown queda sin monarca, ya que John Cena también es parte del elenco de RAW.
Para la marca extrema de la WWE, la ECW, emigró en forma solitaria el ruso Vladimir Kozlov.
Para este miércoles a partir de las 11:00 horas, tiempo de la Ciudad de México, se realizará un Draft suplementario en el que otros luchadores y Divas serán transferidos.
Concluido el Draft 2009, llegó el momento estelar en RAW. Triple H, Shane McMahon y Batista se enfrentaron a la dupla Ted DiBiase- Cody Rhodes. Si el trío ganaba, quien llevare al triunfo a su equipo ganaría un mano a mano con Randy Orton.
Los tres gladiadores buscaron el triunfo para acabar con el "Asesino de leyendas", y fue "El asesino cerebral" quien colocó un toque de espaldas a Ted DiBiase.

WWE Draft 2009 resluts

The 2009 Draft saw the entire WWE roster shaken up, and even after a special three-hour Raw, the changes are still coming with the Supplemental Draft, live on WWE.com all day Wednesday. While the WWE Universe certainly won, with such high-profile Superstars as Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, CM Punk and Big Show changing brands and WWE Champion Triple H bringing Raw its second World Title, the night was a rough one for Randy Orton.
Not only did the Draft bring Orton’s nemesis Triple H to Monday nights, but his protégés in The Legacy failed to defeat The Game, Batista & Shane McMahon, meaning that The Legend Killer will have to face The King of Kings on the next Raw. (Exclusive Draftee interviews)
Though the WWE Universe might not have known what to expect with the 2009 Draft, they should know to "Expect Everything" for the very first episode of WWE Superstars this Thursday at 8 ET/5 WT only on WGN America. (More)
WWE Champion Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon def. The Legacy; The Game earned an opportunity to go one-on-one with Randy Orton on the next Raw(PHOTOS WATCH)In Raw’s main event, there wasn’t a Draft pick on the line, but instead something far more valuable to the competitors: An opportunity to exact retribution from Randy Orton. With the ring warrior scoring the pinfall earning a match against The Legend Killer on the next Raw, WWE Champion Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon were more concerned with getting a victory for themselves than with working as a team. As Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase did their best to take advantage of their opponents’ strife, their opponents did themselves no favors, with Shane going so far as to break up Batista’s pin. As The Animal and Shane O’Mac argued, however, Triple H took advantage of the situation to pin Ted DiBiase after a devastating Pedigree, dashing The Legacy’s hopes of keeping their leader out of competition the following week.
Chris Jericho (SmackDown) def. Tommy Dreamer (ECW); Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio drafted to SmackDown (PHOTOS)Though he had made Raw his home since returning to WWE, Chris Jericho competed in the night’s last interpromotional Draft match on behalf of SmackDown, where he had been drafted earlier in the evening. The nefarious Superstar proved what a valuable addition he will be to SmackDown’s roster by defeating ECW Original Tommy Dreamer and bringing more championship gold to Friday nights with Draftee, Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio.
Matt Hardy (Raw) def. CM Punk (SmackDown); Divas Champion Maryse drafted to Raw (PHOTOS WATCH)Matt Hardy and CM Punk entered the 2009 WWE Draft representing SmackDown and Raw respectively, but by the time they faced off in the ring, their brand allegiances had switched. As the two ring warriors slugged it out, Jeff Hardy rushed to the ring and attacked his sibling, resulting in the disqualification of Mr. Money in the Bank and allowing Matt to pick up another random selection for Raw. With Women’s Champion Melina drafted to SmackDown earlier, Monday nights were in sore need of women’s division gold, and found it in the form of the newest Raw Diva: Divas Champion Maryse.
Christian (ECW) def. Shelton Benjamin (SmackDown); Vladimir Kozlov drafted to ECW (PHOTOS)Christian took to the ring to compete against Shelton Benjamin, and managed to show The Gold Standard what being Captain Charisma is all about, picking up a win and a Draft pick for his home brand of ECW. Though it was the only selection of the night for the Land of the Extreme, interim ECW General Manager Tiffany couldn’t be disappointed as it brought Vladimir Kozlov, The Moscow Mauler to Tuesday nights.
Edge (SmackDown) won the Tri-Branded Battle Royal; Kane & Chris Jericho drafted to SmackDown(PHOTOS WATCH)Five Superstars from each of WWE’s three brands took to the ring for a 15-Man Tri-Branded Battle Royal, with the victor earning two Draft picks for their respective brand. With so much talent loaded into the ring, the match could have gone any way, but it was The Ultimate Opportunist Edge who outlasted the competition – including Big Show, Mark Henry and Finlay – and was the last Superstar left in the ring. Though Raw had gained numerous new ring warriors throughout the night, this win did a lot to even the score by bringing both Kane and Chris Jericho to SmackDown.
Kofi Kingston (Raw) def. The Miz (ECW); The Miz drafted to Raw (PHOTOS)Representing Raw, Kofi Kingston competed against ECW’s The Miz, accompanied by his tag team partner, John Morrison. Perhaps not accustomed to working alone, The Shaman of Sexy was caught interfering in the match on behalf of the self-proclaimed “chick magnet,” leading to The Miz’s loss by disqualification, and another Draft pick for Raw. The former reality TV star will be getting more chances to work solo, as he was randomly selected to move to Monday nights. After embracing his “Dirt Sheet” partner, The Miz turned on him, leveling him with a Reality Check.
The Great Khali (SmackDown) def. Santino Marella (Raw); Mr. Money in the Bank CM Punk drafted to SmackDown (PHOTOS WATCH)In another interpromotional SmackDown vs. Raw match, Santino Marella was faced with the massive Great Khali. Before the match began, however, Beth Phoenix came to the stage with a special announcement regarding the impending contest. By order of GM Vickie Guerrero, in addition to the Draft pick already at stake, if Santino lost the match, his “twin sister,” Miss WrestleMania “Santina” Marella, would have to be a guest on the Khali Kiss Cam. Unfortunately for the Italian Superstar and Miss WrestleMania, The Great Khali was victorious. In addition to winning some time with Santina next week, The Punjabi Playboy also earned SmackDown a Draft pick, bringing CM Punk to Friday nights. The Straightedge Superstar brings with him his Money in the Bank contract, which if utilized properly, is as valuable as any World Title.
World Heavyweight Champion John Cena (Raw) def. ECW Champion Jack Swagger (ECW); Matt Hardy and WWE Champion Triple H drafted to Raw (PHOTOS WATCH)With two Draft picks up for grabs, World Heavyweight Champion John Cena faced off against ECW Champion Jack Swagger for the first time ever. Despite “The All-American” American’s earlier bragging, The Champ prevailed, handing Swagger a defeat courtesy of the STF, and bringing two of SmackDown’s most powerful ring warriors to Raw: The devious Matt Hardy and WWE Champion Triple H, giving Raw two World Titles. Following the match Cena was attacked by his Backlash opponent, Edge, but managed to turn the assault around, chasing The Ultimate Opportunist from the ring.
Divas Champion Maryse, Michelle McCool & Natalya (SmackDown) def. Women’s Champion Melina, Mickie James & Kelly Kelly (Raw); Melina drafted to SmackDown (PHOTOS)The Divas of Raw and SmackDown squared off in a Six-Diva Tag Team Match, which saw Divas Champion Maryse, Michelle McCool & Natalya defeat Women’s Champion Melina, Mickie James & Kelly Kelly, earning SmackDown the brand’s first Draft pick. The random selection was a lucky one for the ladies of SmackDown, as it brought Melina and her Women’s Championship to Friday nights.
Kane (Raw) def. The Brian Kendrick (SmackDown); Big Show drafted to Raw (PHOTOS)Representing SmackDown, The Brian Kendrick took on Kane with another Draft selection on the line. But even with the assistance of his bodyguard, Ezekiel Jackson, Kendrick was no match for the immense size and strength of The Big Red Monster. Kane’s victory earned Raw another Draftee, bringing in The World’s Largest Athlete, Big Show, and eliminating the 7-footer’s status as the biggest Superstar on Raw.
Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio (Raw) def. Evan Bourne (ECW); United States Champion MVP drafted to Raw (PHOTOS WATCH)The first match of the night pitted two high-flyers against one another in the form of Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio and ECW’s Evan Bourne. Unfortunately for “Air” Bourne, his aerial maneuvers were no match for the ring experience of The Master of the 619, who picked up the win. Like most of the matches on the Draft night, there was a randomized Draft pick at stake, which Mysterio picked up for Raw. With the first Draft selection of the evening, Monday nights gained another title as United States Champion MVP joined the roster.
WWE Champion Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon to face The Legacy on Raw with a match against Randy Orton at stake (PHOTOS)After returning to WWE the week before, Batista opened Raw on the night of the Draft with vengeance on his mind. Though he’ll have a chance to meet Randy Orton in the ring as part of the WWE Championship Tag Team Match at Backlash, The Animal made clear his desire to face The Legend Killer on Raw and take revenge for the vicious punt that kept him from the ring for months. But Batista wasn’t the only competitor with his sights set on Orton, as he was joined in the ring by both Shane McMahon and WWE Champion Triple H, who both wanted to get their hands on the venomous Superstar for what his attacks on Stephanie McMahon and the WWE Chairman himself, Mr. McMahon.
As the three argued over who would get first dibs on Orton, they were interrupted by Vickie Guerrero. Raw’s new General Manager announced that only one of them would get the opportunity to face The Legend Killer before Backlash, and that they would have to earn it. Guerrero then placed WWE Champion Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon in a 3-on-2 Handicap Match against The Legacy for later in the night. Whoever scores the pinfall on either Rhodes or DiBiase will have earned themselves a match against Orton on the next Raw, but if The Legacy prevails, then none of “The Viper’s” enemies will be able to get their hands on him.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

WWE SmackDown - 10/04/2009 results

In the explosive wake of the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, Theodore Long returned to Friday nights to once again take his place as the General Manager of SmackDown. And his first decision was a bit of a “stretch.”

Matt Hardy def. Jeff Hardy (Stretcher Match)
Fresh off his Extreme Rules victory over his brother at WrestleMania (recap), Matt Hardy looked to “erase Jeff from WWE.” He demanded that Jeff come to the ring and apologize to him and the WWE Universe for being an “extreme disappointment,”  or he would end up leaving the ring on a stretcher. After Jeff emerged to chase Matt from the squared-circle, the returning Teddy Long made Matt’s choice of words into a reality. For the first time ever on SmackDown, Jeff and Matt would face each other in a Stretcher Match. (WATCH | PHOTOS)

In the culmination of the Hardys' excruciating Stretcher Match, Matt moved out of the way at the last second, causing Jeff to Swanton Bomb himself down onto an empty, unforgiving stretcher frame outside the ring. After Matt finished him off with a painful chair shot, he claimed victory by pushing his fallen brother up the ramp. Once his arms were raised in unsettling triumph, Matt sent Jeff hurling back down the ramp, causing the stretcher to smash into the ring below. (WATCH | PHOTOS)

The Cutting Edge with special guest World Heavyweight Champion John Cena (WATCH | PHOTOS)
With John Cena seated before him – and their Last Man Standing Match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Backlash looming (Backlash preview) – Edge told the World Champion that he had stolen “his” title and that he completely hates Cena. Cena informed The Rated-R Superstar that what he really hates is the truth;  that no matter how many times Edge has knocked him down throughout their epic rivalry, he has kept coming at him and always will. The Champ then offered to give The Ultimate Opportunist a free shot to prove his point, but Edge wouldn’t take it. Instead, he simply backed up and walked away.

Big Show def. Kofi Kingston ( PHOTOS)
After coming up short in his WrestleMania bid to win the World Heavyweight Championship (recap), Big Show took out his frustration and anger by delivering the knockout punch in mid-air to Kofi Kingston. Though Kingston gave a tremendously valiant effort in his attempt to overcome The World’s Largest Athlete, in the end, he would suffer a giant disappointment. 

The Great Khali def. Santino Marella (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Due to recent events surrounding Santino’s emerging “sister” Santina, Santino arrived on SmackDown to issue an open challenge and show any Friday night Superstar who wished to face him that Santina wasn’t the only Marella sibling to be afraid of. The Great Khali answered the call. When Ranjin Singh explained that Khali would not hurt Santino if Santina would be his guest on Khali's Kiss Cam, Santino declined, insulting The Punjabi Playboy profusely in the process. So, the bell was rung and Santino ended up taking the painful Punjabi Plunge.

Gail Kim def. Michelle McCool (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Gail Kim reversed Michelle McCool's pin attempt to win a hard-fought victory over the former Divas Champion. After Gail missed a dropkick off the top rope, Michelle looked to have things going her way. But as she went for the cover, Gail’s quick thinking – and quicker action – prevailed.

Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase def. Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo (Non-title) (PHOTOS)
DiBiase's distraction of Carlito allowed Cody Rhodes to hit the devastating Cross Rhodes on the Southpaw from San Juan. After the match, Rhodes & DiBiase continued to attack the Unified WWE Tag Team Champions, when Randy Orton emerged to survey the damage. The Legend Killer then gave a frightening account of what will happen when Legacy meets WWE Champion Triple H, Shane McMahon and the returning Batista at Backlash with the gold at stake. 


  • Big Show def. Kofi Kingston
  • The Great Khali def. Santino Marella
  • Gail Kim def. Michelle McCool
  • Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase def. Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo (Non-title)
  • Matt Hardy def. Jeff Hardy (Stretcher Match) 
  • viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

    Nuevo Gerente General de SmackDown y ECW

    Nuevos Managers de ECW y Smackdown
    Durante la grabación del programa ECW On Sci-Fi se anuncio que Theodore Long es el nuevo gerente general de Smackdown y la Diva Tiffany será la nueva gerente general de ECW.
    Long regresa como manager a la marca azul, veremos como le va a Tiffany con un cargo muy importante.
    Los nuevos comentaristas son:
    Smackdown: Todd Grisham y Jim Ross.
    ECW: Josh Matthews y Matt Striker.

    Kennedy se rretira?

    Kennedy se retira?
    La super estrella de Smackdown Mr. Kennedy dijo en una entrevista al Miami Herald que todavía no esta autorizado medicamente para regresar al ring debido a la lesión que tuvo en su hombro hace 8 meses.

    Kennedy dice que esta lesión puede ser recurrente y que posiblemente lo aleje definitivamente del ring como luchador.
    Voy a hablar con el Dr. Andrews para ver si esta lesión puede ser permanente, para enfrentarme a ella o para ver si hay algo que se pueda hacer y pueda recuperarme al 100%, si no es así ha veces tienes que hacer lo correcto en este negocio, ya que en fin este negocio tiene que seguir adelante ya sea conmigo o sin mi.
    Prefiero ser una parte del negocio y contribuir con algo, me gustaría ser entrenador para ayudar a la próxima generación de talentos ya que como locutor no sabe si lo hará de una manera correcta.
    Quiero regresar al ring ya que tengo mucho por aportar aún, hay muchas cosas que tengo que hacer y lograr como ganar algunos campeonatos en el evento principal de la Lucha Libre “Wrestlemania“.
    Si me toca hacerlo año tras año, incluso si me lleva 10 años en hacerlo, lo voy a hacer.

    miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

    ECW Results

    Let the Chase to Backlash begin

    Just two days after the electrifying 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, the Land of the Extreme shook things up with a change in leadership and the promise of a championship match at Backlash.
    Theodore Long new SmackDown General Manager; Tiffany new interim General Manager of ECW; Elimination Chase Announced (WATCH PHOTOS)Hot on the heels of Vickie Guerrero’s announcement that she would become the permanent General Manager of Monday Night Raw, ECW General Manager Theodore Long revealed that he will once again take the reigns as SmackDown General Manager. Long announced that his assistant, Tiffany, would become the new interim General Manager of ECW.
    When ECW Champion Jack Swagger interrupted, Tiffany informed him that Christian, Tommy Dreamer, Finlay and Mark Henry would compete in an Elimination Chase over the next few weeks to see who will face The “All-American American” at Backlash. (Match preview)
    Mark Henry eliminated from the Elimination Chase to Backlash in a Fatal Four Way Match (WATCH PHOTOS)In the culmination of an action-packed Fatal Four Way Match, Finlay once again employed the trusted help of his shillelagh to defeat Henry, walloping The World’s Strongest Man out of the Elimination Chase as he was attempting The World’s Strongest Slam on Tommy Dreamer. As a result, The Belfast Brawler will face Christian and Dreamer in a Triple Threat Match next week.
    Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo & Evan Bourne def. John Morrison, The Miz, & Tyson Kidd (Six-Man Tag Match) (PHOTOS)After Primo hit the Backstabber on Tyson Kidd, the high-flying Evan Bourne dropped his gravity-defying Shooting Star Press on the last graduate of the legendary Hart Dungeon. The exciting victory comes just two days after Carlito & Primo triumphed over Miz & Morrison to become the first Unified WWE Tag Team Champions on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

    Dark Match:
    MVP derroto a Dolph Ziggler vía pínfall.
    Theodore Long abre el programa y anuncia que es el nuevo gerente general de Smackdown y que su asistente Tiffany es la nueva gerente general de ECW.
    Mark Henry, Finlay, Christian, & Tommy Dreamer discuten en pleno ring sobre quien debe ser el retador numero 1 al título de ECW en Backlash, y se pacta un Fatal Four Way Match donde el ganador retará a Jack Swagger en el próximo PPV.
    1.- Unified Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo Colon y Evan Bourne derrotan a The Miz & John Morrison y Tyson Kidd.
    Primo con el Backstabber sobre Tyson lo deja nockeado en la lona del ring y le da el relevo a Bourne quien aplica el Shooting Star Press para lograr la victoria vía pinfall.
    Main event:
    2.- Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match para determinar al retador oficial de ECW:
    Esta semana: Mark Henry vs Finlay vs Christian vs Tommy Dreamer.
    Henry es eliminado por Finlay después de recibir un golpe en la cabeza con el shillelagh.
    La próxima semana Finlay vs Christian vs Tommy Dreamer hasta que quede un luchador y rete a Jack Swagger en Backlash por el título de ECW.